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Development of Mathematical Model for Repair and Maintenance of Some of the Farm Tractors of JNKVV, Jabalpur, India

Avinash Kumar Gautam and Shrivastava AK

An experiment was conducted to studies on Development of mathematical model for repair and maintenance of some of the farm tractors JNKVV Jabalpur, the repair and maintenance data of the farm tractor were taking from the breeder soybean production farm, biotechnology, groundnut farm and horticulture farm. The data collect yearly working hours; yearly repair and maintenance costs included spare part and repairable part, lubricant, wages and others. A study was conducted to modelling of accumulated repair and maintenance costs of JNKVV farm tractors as percentage of initial purchase price (Y) based on accumulated usage hours (x). Recorded data were used to determine regression model(s). Exponential, logarithmic, linear, polynomial. The Prediction of cumulative repair and maintenance costs the power model is better than the models that is linear, polynomial, logarithmic and exponential, among the various alternatives power model was found (Y=axb) most suitable to predict accumulated repair and maintenance costs of tractor. The service life of the tractor near 1000 hours the power model Y=1.910x1.64 (where x in 1000) with R2=0.989 to predict accumulated repair and maintenance costs of JNKVV tractors can be strongly recommended. The repair and maintenance cost consist of spare parts, lubricant, wages and other. The average spare parts, wages and others and lubricants costs is 49.32, 17.24 and 12.15%.

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