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Diabetes Knowledge in Youth with T1DM and their Caregivers-A Cross- Sectional Study

Moskovitz A, Alex Knee MS, Frydman E, Allen H and Tonyushkina K

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate diabetes knowledge in youth with T1DM and their caregivers and its association with clinical outcomes, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted. Patients with T1DM aged 2 to 21 were enrolled. A diabetes knowledge questionnaire adapted from a combination of validated studies was completed by adolescents ≥ 14 years and caregivers of children ??14 years. Diabetes knowledge was considered adequate for ≥ 80% correct answers. Logistic regression was used to associate diabetes knowledge with clinical and demographic data. Results: Overall diabetes knowledge was good, with average scores of 86% and 84% correct responses among adolescents and parents, respectively. Better diabetes knowledge was associated with A1C ≤ 9%, in particular knowledge of nutrition in parents of small children and knowledge of pathophysiology in both groups. Weaker diabetes knowledge was associated with lower socioeconomic status. Overall diabetes knowledge scores were not associated with time since T1DM diagnosis, but knowledge of self-care was better with longer time since diagnosis in adolescence. Conclusions: Proficiency in carbohydrate counting in parents of younger children might have higher clinical impact than in adolescents. Diabetes education curricula should be tailored towards individual patients taking into consideration their socio-economic needs. Diabetes centers should offer re-education on diabetes, in particular, review of pathophysiology, nutrition and carbohydrate counting.

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