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Disc Displacement with Reduction of the Temporomandibular Joint: The Real Need for Treatment

Lalue-Sanches M*, Gonzaga AR, Guimaraes AS and Ribeiro EC

Disc displacement with reduction is a condition that remains very controversial regarding its diagnosis and the application of a specific treatment, because its clinical characteristics, most often, presents no symptoms requiring treatment, as well as the imaging tests do not correlate with the clinical condition. For this reason it was carried out a literature review of the most current studies in order to introduce readers to concepts that are currently in place about this issue. Data bases were searched from 2000 to 2015 using the following terms: temporomandibular articular disk; temporomandibular disorder and sound. The eligibility criteria included: articles peer reviewed in english and portuguese about etiological factors, characteristics, diagnostic methods and types of treatments. With this work we concluded that the condition of disc displacement with reduction may not be perceived by patients as relevant in terms of jaw pain, function and disability because, usually evolve with self-resolution and may pass through a symptomatic to an asymptomatic picture without applying any treatment. However, if this condition is present and characterize the patient’s main compliant, it should be followed up and treated initially with conservative measures going to minimally invasive techniques if necessary.