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Does Physical Activity Promotion Advantages Need the Identification of Associated Health Compromising Features such as Injuries, Alcohol Use and Interpersonal Violence? Highlights from HBSC/ WHO Portuguese Survey

Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Luis Calmeiro Adilson Marques1 and Loureiro Nuno1

A considerable amount of literature demonstrates an association between physical activity (PA) and health.
However, some studies also suggest an association between PA and health compromising behaviors. The purpose
of this study is to determine the behaviors that can have a positive or negative association with PA in a nationally
representative sample of adolescents. Based on the Health Behavior in School-aged Children, 5050 Portuguese
adolescents attending 6th (30.8%), 8th (31.6%) and 10th (37.6%) grades (M age=13.98, years, SD=1.85; 52.3%
girls) answered a survey concerning a variety of health behaviors and self-perceptions. Results suggested that
being more active is positively associated to better nutrition (“eating fruit”), and perceptions of life satisfaction and
good health. PA was also associated to violent behavior, injuries and alcohol abuse. It is therefore recommended
that practitioners should find ways to promote the several well-documented benefits of PA while monitoring and
preventing associated unfavorable outcomes.

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