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Effect of Breeds, Sex and Age on Interrelationship between Body Weight and Linear Body Measurement in Rabbits

Ologbose FI*, Ajayi FO and Agaviezor B

One hundred and forty-four rabbits comprised three genetic groups viz 48 Dutch (DUT) X New Zealand white (NZW), 48 NZW X NZW and 48 DUT X DUT were used to study the influence of breeds, age and sex on the interrelationship of body weight (BW) and linear body measurements (LBMs) body length (BL), heart girth (HG), Height at withers (HTW), Fore limb (FLL) and Hind limb length (HLL).These rabbits were grouped based on their breeds, age and sex. Data were also classified on the basis of breeds, sex and age for 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks. The results indicated that both sex and age significantly (p 0.05) influenced all the LBMs. Correlation analysis between all pairs of Key measurements were also positive significantly (p 0.05) correlated for all ages as well as in both sexes. Regression analysis revealed that male Dutch rabbit recorded the higher value at 4 weeks, while, the female observed the higher value at 8 weeks. This also revealed that heart girth (HG) could be used as a single predictor of body weight (BW) for both sexes at 4 and 8 weeks of age. While, height at wither (HTW) is being considered as a single predictor for female at 12 weeks. It is therefore, concluded that breeds, age and sex had significant influence on the interrelationship between BW and LBMs.

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