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Effect of Nitrogen Rates and Irrigation Regimes on Water Use Efficiency of Selected Potato Varieties in Jimma Zone, West Ethiopia

Egata Shunka Tolessa, Derbew Belew, Adugna Debela and Beshir Kedi

Ethiopia has possibly the greatest potential for potato production. But its contribution to food security is less due to poor agronomic techniques and other factors which require improving the ways of resources use. This experiment was conducted in Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine greenhouse to study the effect of nitrogen rates and irrigation regimes on water and nitrogen use efficiency of selected potato varieties (Jalenie, Guassa and Degemegn), using three nitrogen rates (130, 110, 90 kg/ha), and three irrigation regimes [full irrigation (100%), 80% and 60% of full irrigation] on clay textured fine top soil filled to poly ethylene pot of 15 liter and 30 cm upper diameter. The experiment was 3 × 3 × 3 factorial with three replications laid down in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Interaction of variety and irrigation significantly affected water use efficiency (WUE). Jalenie variety recorded the highest WUE at 80% irrigation, but was on par with Guassa varieties at 100% irrigation. The lowest WUE was obtained from Degemegn variety at 100% irrigation even though there was no significant difference among the three irrigations. From the results, it can be concluded that irrigation regimes and variety were significantly affected water use efficiency of the potato varieties while the nitrogen rates and interaction between or among factors holding nitrogen combination were not influenced the water use efficiency of the potato varieties significantly. As this is output of greenhouse condition, open field experiment is suggested to be carried out to come up with conclusive results.

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