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Effect of prepartum Alpha-toccopherol and Beta-carotene injection on passive transfer in Bali Tumor Cow

Henderiana L. L. Belli, Pieter Rihi Kale, Arnold E. Manu and Wilmientje M. Nalley

The study aimed to evaluate the effect of pre-partum α-tocopherol and β-carotene injection on passive transfer of Bali Timor cow. There were 24 Bali Timor cows at 8 months pregnant arranged based on completely randomized design 4 treatments with 6 replicates. The 4 treatments administrated were: P0: control; P1: injection α- toccopherol acetate 1000 mg; P2: injection β-carotene 1000 mg; P3: injection α-tocopherol acetate 500 mg and β-carotene 500mg to each of 8 months pregnant cow and 2 weeks after first injection. The results found were: IgG concentration of P3 (45.64±0.76 mg/mL) was higher than P1 (41.85±0.92 mg/mL); P2 (31.97±0.7 mg/mL) and P0 (26.2±0.49 mg/mL) respectively; passive transfer results IgG concentration in calves : P3 (26.13 mg/ml) was significant (P<0.05) higher than P1 (23.21 mg/mL); P2 (18.24 mg/mL) and P0 (18.24 mg/mL); and calves weight gain: P3 was significant (P<0.05) vs (0.33 vs 0.26 vs 0.3 vs 0.21 kg/h;). The results indicate that injection 500 mg α-tocopherol and 500mg β-carotene pre-partum increase IgG colostrum, IgG calves serum and daily weight gain of Bali calves.

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