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Effects of REACH Project Safe Space Intervention on Family Planning Awareness and Utilization among Adolescent Girls in Katsina State

Yakubu Lawali, Rahinatu Hussaini, Richard Ndifreke, Areshodeinde Aderonke, Miftahu Yahaya, Fatima Hussaini

Objective: Adolescence is a critical stage in human development with increase tendency of sexual activities, which may lead to unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion, and death. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of Reaching and Empowering Adolescents to make informed Choices for their Health (REACH) project intervention in improving awareness and utilization of family planning among adolescent girls.

Methodology: A posttest only nonequivalent group quasi-experimental design was adopted. Quantitative approach was employed using self-developed questionnaire for data collection. Multi stage sampling technique was used. A total of 370 questionnaires were administered with 185 each for control and intervention Local Government Authorities (LGAs).

Results: The result of the study shows that, adolescents in the Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) Project intervention communities have higher level of awareness than those in non-REACH project intervention communities (p<0.005) and are more likely to use family planning services as compared to non- REACH intervention communities (p<0.005). The study does not establish differences in awareness of family planning between married and unmarried adolescent girls of REACH intervention communities (p>0.005). Therefore, it is recommended that, safe space strategies should be adopted in any matters related to Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH).

Conclusion: Safe space is effective in improving adolescents sexual and reproductive health.

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