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Effects of Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) Manure and Methods of Crop Establishment on the Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata) in Western Leyte, Philippines

Demavanessa Tampus and Ruth O Escasinas

Methods of crop establishment and fertilizer applications are crucial management practices that enhance the productivity of sweet corn farming. A field study was conducted for Macho F1 sweet corn at the experimental area of the Department of Agronomy, Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte to evaluate the agronomic responses of Macho F1 sweet corn to levels of swiftlet manure under different methods of crop establishment. The experiment was laid out in split plot in randomized complete block design with three replications with methods of crop establishment designated as the main plot and different levels of swiftlet manure as subplots. Transplanting method of crop establishment shortened the number of days from planting to green cob stage, produced higher net assimilation rate and crop growth rate value of Macho F1 sweet corn plant. However, direct seeding was found to be more economically favorable due to higher ROI and net income of 128% and PhP 133, 865.83, respectively. Application of 10 t/ha of swiftlet manure produced tallest plant, highest NAR and CGR of Macho F1 sweet corn plant. Swiftlet manure application at 5 and 10 t/ha surpassed the other treatments in terms of yield, LAI at 49 and 63 days after planting. These treatments also produced more marketable ear yield but the application of 5 t/ha of swiftlet manure proved to be more economically favorable with a net income of PhP 328,773.00 and higher ROI of 315%. Application of 5 t/ha of swiftlet manure is the appropriate rate for achieving better yield and profitability for Macho F1 sweet corn production under direct seeding method of crop establishment.

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