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Kalpit Devani, Tarvinder Gilotra, Pranav Patel, Dhara Chaudhari, Parag Brambhatt, Puneet Goenka, Mark Young
Obstructive jaundice due to pancreatic pseudocyst is not common. Local Complications of Pancreatic pseudocyst can be managed with Endoscopic drainage, achieved through transmural approach via stomach or duodenal wall into the cyst, or transpapillary/transductal stent placement. Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst is becoming more favorable nowadays because of shorter hospital stay, lower cost, and lower mortality rate. EUSguided drainage is preferred over conventional endoscopic drainage because of higher technical success rate and because of higher success rate, technical feasibility and quick resolution of pancreatic pseudocyst, fully covered fully covered self-expandable metal stents are recently gaining popularity.