国际标准期刊号: 1522-4821



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Epidemiological Characteristics of Disaster-related Suicides in the 34 Years since the Great East Japan Earthquake

Ken Inoue, Haruo Takeshita, Yoshikazu Takinami, Masaharu Hoshi, Yoshihiro Noso, Nobuo Takeichi, Junko Fujihara, Kaori Kimura-Kataoka, Yasuyuki Fujita, Rei Wake, Tsuyoshi Miyaoka, Satoko Ezoe, Jun Horiguchi and Yuji Okazaki

The Great East Japan Earthquake struck Japan with a magnitude of 9.0 at 2:46 PM on March 11, 2011. Five years have passed since the earthquake and subsequent tsunami struck, but the mental and physical care of the victims, the livelihoods of those affected, and the economic impact of the disaster continue to cause social concern (Orui, Harada, & Hayashi, 2014; Tokuzu, Ouchi, Kikuchi & Konno, et al., 2015; Yabuki, Ouchi, Kikuchi & Konno, 2015; Hara, 2015). Over the past few years, research has examined the effects of the disaster on the cognitive function of the elderly (Ishiki et al., 2016), and one study suggested that oxidative stress may be associated with disaster-related hypertension (DRH) in individuals exhibiting effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake (Shiraishi et al., 2016).

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