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Evaluating Adaptability and Yield Performance of Open Pollinated Maize Varieties in North Western Tigray

Hailegebrial Kinfe, Yiergalem Tsehaye, Alem Redda, Redae Welegebriel, Desalegn Yalew, Welegerima Gebrelibanos, Kifle Gebre egziabher and Husien Seid

In order to evaluate the performance of improved maize genotypes, an experiment was conducted at Medebay zana and Laelay Adiabo district of North western of Tigray, Ethiopia, during 2014 and 2015 main cropping season. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The data were recorded on plant height, ear height, number of ears/plot, plant and ear height, days to 50% anthesis, silking, maturity, grain yield and 1000 grain weight. All varieties showed significant differences with each other for all the traits studied in most environments but incase of genotype by environment combined data revealed most of the traits gave nonsignificant result and indicated better to focus and recommend on the stable genotypes across the environments. Variety Gibe-2 and Gibe-1 had the top two highest grain yield of 5114.15 kg ha-1 and 4964.96 kg ha-1. Melkasa-6 was the early maturing variety as compared with standard checks of melkasa-2 and the remained varieties. The highest plant height and ear placement of 237.28, 120.80, respectively cm was noted in variety Gibe-1. This variety may be susceptible to lodging. These varieties had a wide genetic background, thus showing grain yield ranges from 1748 to 5114 kg ha-1. So, generally maize variety of Gibe-1 and Gibe-2 were found most promising, which has the potential to increase the average yield of maize in Medebay zana and Laelay Adiabo districts and is therefore recommended to demonstrate for general cultivation in both districts.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。