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Evaluation of Mazzi Cane on Keeping Quality of Milk in Wondogenet District of Sidama Zone, Southern Region, Ethiopia

Tsedey Azeze

The study was conducted in Wodndogenet district of Sidama zone with the objective to identify the quality of the milk under Mazzi cane and traditional milking device. About 30 households owning minimum two lactating cows at the early lactation stage were involved in the experimental and preference evaluation study. The selected households has three types of milking devices such as Clay pot, Qil and Mazzi cane which is donated by SNV Netherlands Development organization. About 35 lactating cows were selected for the study from the households. From the total sample, 5 of the cows were found mastitis positive. The sampling for bacterial identification was from the 30 mastitis free lactating cows after milking in the three devices. The current finding reveled that lower count for both Coliform (0.81 X 105) cfu/ml and Total bacterial count (2.52 X 105) cfu/ml was observed for Mazzi cane milking and transporting device (MTs) than samples from “Qil” and clay pot milking devices. In spite of the lower count for both bacteria types among the three devices, the count is within the suggested standard (i.e less than 10,000cfu/ml for Total bacterial count and less than 50cfu/ml for coliform count). Regarding milking device preference, mazzi cane was best preferred by the respondents’ interims of its durability, easy for cleaning and availability of its own cover (lid). Moreover, the multi functionality of the material, it makes it more preferred than the two traditional equipment. Although the more advantages of the improved device, the constraints were also ranked. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd constraints ranked by the respondents are the material are unsuitability for smoking, easily detachable cover and inadequate volume for milking respectively. In general from different perspective, the quality of the milk under mazzi cane is better than the other two traditional milking devices. Therefore by producing the equipment in different size, providing training, demonstrating it for different stakeholders such producers (farmers), collector’s processors and cooperatives, then the quality of the milk will be enhanced.

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