国际标准期刊号: 2471-9846



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Exploring Adolescence and Parenthood: A Transitional Life Stage and Abrupt Life Change

Marcella Kelly and Michelle Millar

This explorative discussion of the literature explores transitional and developmental theory focusing on adolescence and the transition to parenthood. The concept of the emergent adult is explored in the context of teenage parenthood transition. Similar to the emergent adult the teenage parent proactively choose their life course options that incorporates securing social resources and future positions. The transitional process moving from adolescence to adulthood is expedited for the teenage parent. In hastening this transitional developmental phase teenage parents are propelled into the role of emergent adult. Awareness by community healthcare professionals of the challenges teenage parents face with regards to transitional processes moving from adolescent to the adult role of parent should be considered in effectively supporting these young parents.

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