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Exploring the Potential of Modern Rammed Earth Materials in Enhancing the Aesthetics and Sustainability of Rural Community Construction: A Case Study of Duniyapur, Punjab

Malik AR

Earthen materials have been an integral part of the growth of rural dwellings for thousands of years. However, with the homogenization of architectural styles and the lack of cultural atmosphere in the construction of beautiful countryside, the development and application of modern earthen materials have become increasingly important for the future construction of rural communities. This research paper focuses on mud dwelling houses in rural areas of Punjab and constructs a liveability evaluation system to analyse the residents' satisfaction and optimize modern
earthen dwelling houses. From the theoretical perspective of "Ternary mutualism", this paper proposes that the relationship between modern earthen materials and rural communities is mutually beneficial. Modern earthen materials serve as the natural foundation, charm display window, and practice platform of rural communities, while rural communities embody the value of modern rammed earth materials, protect their continuation, and promote multiple innovations. Based on this, the paper proposes a construction path of modern earthen materials in rural communities to provide reference for future construction. The research results show that modern earthen materials are conducive to the construction of rural communities in harmony with the natural ecological environment of the local landscape and play a significant role in the protection and inheritance of local culture.

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