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Extent of the Factors Influencing the Delinquent Acts among Children in Conflict with the Law

Jhessie L Abella

This study intended to determine the extent of the influence of several factors in the commission of delinquent acts among children in conflict with the law. This study was conducted at People Recovery Empowerment Authority (PREDA) a non-government agency which care for children in conflict with the law. A descriptive research was utilized to gather information regarding the profile of the children and their family background. A total of 27 respondents were utilized to assess how the internal factors (parental relationship, sibling relationship and home environment) and the external factors (environment outside home, peer pressure, and community rules) influence the respondents to commit delinquent acts. This study found out that external factors which include the environment outside home (2.57), peer pressure (2.62) and community rule (2.61) all has been found to a great extent of influence in the lives of children in conflict with the law. This study further holds that there has been a strong positive relationship with the internal factors and the external factors (r=0.646) identified which thereby influenced the respondents to commit delinquent acts.

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