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Feed Supplement and Fattening Practices of Sheep

Melkam Aleme

The review summarizes and document the common feed supplements and fattening practices of sheep. The primary interest in fattening system is the access of supplemental feed nearby the area. Though recently some scholars generate either protein or energy or both concentrate supplements. The bottle neck problem for small scale fattener is availability of quality and quantity feed to achieve their goal. Most of the time they used stale feeding with natural grazing pasture while others feed concentrates from agro industrial by products which are not easily accessible due to the lack of transportation and finance source for the fluctuations in price. In other hand disease problems occurred due to the lack of veterinary stations nearby the area. Therefore, this implies that the sector generate turn over with low initial investment cost if the feed is easily accessible and veterinarian looks nearby. This need the engagements of government policy makers and lower management level by ordering functional research excursions and extension workers by filling the gap of requirements.

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