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Fisheries Baseline Survey Describing Status of Fisheries in Lake Zeway, Ethiopia

Endebu M, Lema A, Genet T, Mitike A, Regassa B, Dejen E and Abegaz H

Lake Zeway, the fourth largest lake in Ethiopia, is the most exploited lake for fishery, irrigation, recreation, and tourism. Fishery sustainability of this Lake is reported under threat because of fishing pressure among others. This survey was aimed to update the Lake’s fisheries baseline information which will be used in fisheries management. The primary data was collected during intensive fishing, August 7-21, 2013 in all three districts bordering the Lake. Papers were reviewed to assess the change in fish species composition and total catch. The baseline survey included fishermen’s socio-demographic, educational status, fishing experience, purpose of fishing, condition of employment, fishing activities, fishing boat and fishing gears inventory. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS). A total of 1021 fishermen (99.9% male), 43 major landing sites and 14 fishermen cooperatives operating on the Lake were observed during the survey. Among the respondent fishers, 494 (48.4%) were members of the cooperatives while 521 (51%) were not. The livelihoods of 4,632 people were known to directly depend on fishing activities on Lake Zeway including the interviewed fishers. Number of fishermen and all fishing gears operating on the lake increased except for gillnets as compared to the 1993 baseline survey report. However, secondary data shows that total fish landing from the lake is declining and fish species composition of the lake is also changing, threatening the fisheries sustainability. Hence the Lake’s fisheries management system should be addressed for the sustainability.

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