国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Formulation and evaluation of (IBUPROFEN) effervescent granules

Hafiz Hafeez Ullah1 and Inam Ullah2

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. We prepared effervescent granules of ibuprofen by wet granulation method using different acids, salts, diluents and superdisintegrants to mask its bitter taste, to enhance its palatability and to increase its solubility and dissolution profile. It is a fast dissolving, stable and convenient dosage form, with additional advantages of more gentle action on the patient’s stomach and is easy to consume just by drinking a glass of water. The prepared granules were evaluated for flow property (like angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density and Hausner’s ratio), particle size, moisture content, effervescence time, in vitro dissolution studies and stability studies. The formulated effervescent granules exhibited excellent flow properties and bulk density suitable for a unit dose. The low moisture content of the formulations supported the stability of the formulations. All the formulations exhibited effervescence time less than 20 sec and dissolution profile was found to be more than 95% in 5 minutes. The stability studies revealed that the product was stable at variable temp and humidity conditions. The granules were best stable when they were stored at 4°C and the most acceptable shelf life was 510 days at 4°C and at room temperature 425 days. Uniform granule size, good effervescence time, release of drug and stability studies qualified the suitability of unit dosing of IBU as effervescent granules in the management of pain and other said indications

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