国际标准期刊号: 2155-9872



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Fungal Lipase Production by Solid State Fermentation-An Overview

Devarai Santhosh Kumar and Suman Ray

Importance of enzymes is ever-growing specifically microbial lipases which are of great industrial significance because of their applications in detergent, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and leather industry. Solid state fermentation (SSF) is an economical alternative for large scale production of enzymes that are produced by fungi. Therefore, production of lipases by solid state fermentation is a good and preferred option than submerged fermentation (SmF). The important factors in fermentation are carbon concentration, nitrogen concentration, pH, growth temperature, fermentation time and moisture content. This review mainly focuses on production of fungal lipase by solid state fermentation using various fungal strains, substrates and fermentation conditions. Enzyme characteristics, industrial application and assay methods of lipase, biomass estimation, enzyme extraction methods and engineering aspects of fermentation are also dealt with briefly. The main aim of the review is to give an overview of advancements in solid state fermentation for production of fungal lipase hitherto.

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