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Genetics and Dental Health: Exploring the Erosive Wear and Caries Connection

Emanuela Guerra

Dental health has long been associated with lifestyle, oral hygiene, and dietary choices. However, recent advances in genetic research have unveiled the intricate relationship between genetics and two common dental issues: erosive wear and caries. This abstract provides a concise overview of the connection between genetics and dental health.

Genetic factors have been identified as significant contributors to an individual's susceptibility to erosive wear, characterized by the loss of tooth enamel due to acid erosion. Specific genes associated with enamel formation and mineralization can influence enamel strength and resistance to erosive wear. Likewise, genetics play a crucial role in determining an individual's predisposition to dental caries, or cavities. The structural and compositional variations in teeth, influenced by genetics, can impact their vulnerability to caries development.

This emerging field of dental genetics is revealing valuable insights. Researchers are identifying susceptibility genes, developing polygenic risk scores, and exploring genetic counseling in dentistry to provide personalized preventive strategies and treatment plans. The future of dental care may involve incorporating genetic information to offer tailored interventions, strengthening enamel, and reducing susceptibility to dental issues.