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Happy Gymnastics

Margit Borkovits

The educational level of the parents is in related to the children’s performance in school and to their social status. Children coming from good economical background can take part in non-formal learning activities, while the others can’t afford to pay extra for sport activities. Family isn’t a role model for the children concerning healthy lifestyle. It is an actual and important task for teachers to make the students interested in doing sports, and to have the need for regular sporting activity. With the activities adjusted to the given age groups within the compulsory morning PE classes as well as the afternoon free time activities might offer several opportunities to help people and students to get rid of their problems and become aware of what exercises they could do to help themselves. Unfortunately to doing exercises together with different age groups is still not in practice (parents, grandparents, children). Our results suggest that involving different generations into the program would significantly enhance the participants’ understanding of how their body works and what they should do for their own health.

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