国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Headband to protect head from EM pollution using electromagnetic shielding material

Nidhi M

The present application relates to a method and System for reducing the exposure of the human head to electromagnetic radiation resulting from the use of a hands cellular phone or other radio communications device. An antenna of a cellular phone is known as a EM radiation emitter, and various Systems exist to protect users from exposure to EM radiation emitted from the antennae of cellular phones .


A] One  method for reducing the exposure of users of cellular phones to EM radiation is the use of an EM Shield around the antenna .


B] Other known method for reducing the exposure of users of cellular phones is to distance the antenna of the phone from the user's head when the phone is in use the phone with its antenna in a docking compartment remote from the user and additionally provides an EM shield for the docking compartment. Distancing the telephone from the user requires either a speaker phone or a headset.


C] Since the use of Speaker phones destroys the privacy of the conversation and may annoy others in the vicinity, a headset is often preferred .A headset, i.e., a device which includes a speaker designed to be worn in the ear cavity of or adjacent to the ear while the phone is in use, allows the user to carry the phone and associated antenna Some distance away from the head, e.g., on a belt, and reduces the intensity of the EM radiation reaching the ear from the antenna. However, it does not eliminate the exposure of the user to the EM radiation emanating from the headset Speaker and/or the electrically conducting wire connecting the Speaker to the cellular phone. Moreover, locating the Speaker of the headset in or immediately adjacent to the ear cavity places a Source of the EM radiation in the place that allows maximum EM radiation exposure to the brain.


It is accordingly an object of the paper to provide a novel method and System for reducing the potential injury from EM radiation to the user of a radio communications device. EM Shielded components for a radio communications device which may be used individually or in combination to decrease the risk of injury from electromagnetic radiation.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。