国际标准期刊号: 2155-6105



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Health Policy for Marijuana

Norman S Miller* and Thersilla Oberbarnscheidt

Marijuana is a substance that has been used for recreational purposes since ancient years and that is currently discussed to have a therapeutic or medical value and to be seen as a Medicine. According to the FDA, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug with high risk of addiction and no medical benefit. However, it is legal in several states for deliberating conditions e.g. various pain conditions, depression, anxiety, nail patella, glaucoma and even HIV. In addition people use is for various other conditions even though studies have shown greater harmful effects then benefit. Especially with marijuana, there is a high rate of misperception in the users. In addition, marijuana has a unique pharmacology and pharmacodynamics because of its more than 400 partially unknown components and the storage in the user’s lipophilic tissues and redistribution long after the last use. The legalization of marijuana is already done in some states and other states are pressured to follow along. This article is a systematic review of literature analyzing the current policies, legal situations and trend as well as politics regarding marijuana and its use. The article is focused on the natural form of the Cannabis sativa plant.

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