国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Hemostasis with Woundclot Hemostatic Gauze in Orthopedic Oncology Surgery

Ortal Segal and Solomon Dadia

The subspecialty of orthopedic oncology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal tumors, both primary and secondary, both benign and malignant. Nearly 50 types of procedures, ranging from short biopsies to lengthy 12 hour hemi-pelvectomies, are performed by orthopedic oncologists. They can require significant neurovascular dissection, removal of substantial bone and muscle, replacing large sections of bone with cement or 3D-printed prostheses, or total joint replacement. Patients who undergo orthopedic oncologic surgery often have received substantial medical treatment prior to surgery. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy can result in anemia and thrombocytopenia. In addition to these side effects, there may be significant co-morbidities.

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