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Impact of Climate Change on Milk Production and Milk composition: A Review

Bipasha David, Chinmaya Kumar Sahu, A Balakrishna, J David

Climate change is likely to affect milk production because of the sensitivity of dairy cows and buffalo to excessive temperature and humidity. It has a definite bearing on milk production for a sub-tropical country like India where mercury hover around 45°C and above. Heat stress has a severe problem for milch animal in India. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) is widely used index to measure the magnitude of heat stress in animal. Severe heat stress cause low productivity in farm animals and composition of milk is also affected. During the dry period heat stress reduce mammary cell proliferation resulting in lower milk production. Milk productivity loss due to heat stress can be reduced by adopting proper summer oriented housing, animal cooling system, development of heat tolerant breeds, high energy feeding.

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