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Importance of Hospice Care: An examination of its advantages for cancer patients at the last stage

Maria Wajid

Background: With the aid of hospices, palliative care has demonstrated over time that it may assist prolong life. According to the research, most cancer patients receive a diagnosis when the disease is well advanced, and because there is no treatment for it, they will eventually need palliative care. However, the majority of developing nations, including India, have not succeeded in establishing hospices; as a result, many cancer patients continue to lack access to palliative treatment. To initiate better access to hospices, it is important to understand the benefits of the same. Therefore, the current study's objective is to investigate the benefits of hospice care from the viewpoints of advanced cancer patients who are housed in hospice facilities.

Methods: Exploratory research is the methodology used in the current investigation. 8 hospice patients from Bengaluru, India were chosen via purposive sampling, and semi-structured interviews were held with them to gather information. Thematic analysis was used to analyse these data. The data's obvious themes were determined by identifying any underlying trends.

Results: Four themes: pain management, altruism, a happy death, and overall satisfaction- were found during thematic analysis. There were certain sub-themes within various subjects, which have been demonstrated using actual quotes from the interviewees.

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that hospice facilities are crucial in aiding patients in overcoming the trauma they experience during the advanced stages of cancer. Palliative care can be used to provide the patient with a sense of relief. This is made feasible by expanding the number of hospice facilities around the nation, where anybody can choose to get the treatment regardless of their financial situation. Palliative care will allow people to pass away with dignity.

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