国际标准期刊号: 2168-9806



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Integration and Connectivity of China's Political Resilience and Mining Operations Concentration

Wu Xiao

An important source of energy on the planet is coal. The unfavourable effects of mining, however, play a significant role in limiting the mining regions' ability to expand sustainably. There are significant changes in the restoration features and reaction methods for mining under the combined influences of various mining intensities, various natural ground conditions, and social-economic development [1-15].The spatial distribution should be correctly assessed at the macroscale to guide the development and usage of coal resources and ecological restoration. This article sought to assess the mining intensity and the social-ecological resilience, respectively, at the county level, to divide the mining areas into nine regions in order to use multi-source remote sensing data and webcrawler technology. China. Differentiated solutions for ecological restoration, resource development, and resource exploitation in the various coal mining zones were presented based on the zoning results. According to the appraisal data, coal mines are widely dispersed and plentiful throughout China, with the majority of them being concentrated in the central, southwest, and northwest regions. However, there is low resilience in over half of the coal mining districts. North China, which makes up 10.83 percent of the country, is particularly concentrated in high mining intensity-low resilience areas. To reduce potential ecological dangers and economic impacts, these locations should receive special attentionSocial-ecological resilience, which is regarded as the gold standard of mining intensity adjustment, evaluates how well a system adapts to disturbances caused by coal mining. Local governments may attempt to combine resource development and ecological restoration measures in the future to assist the sustainable development of China's coal mining regions.

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