国际标准期刊号: 2329-6879



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Integration of Quality Safety Health and Environment Management Systems based on Construction Design Management 2015 (Case Study of Construction Projects in Jakarta)

Andreas Partogi Silalahi, Jack Widjajakusuma, Akhmad Suraji

Background: Construction accidents are a catastrophe in the construction of buildings and infrastructure in Indonesia. According to PUPR Ministry data in 2017, the construction sector is the largest contributor to accident cases in Indonesia with an average incidence of around 32% each year. Facts on the ground show that the quality management system and safety management system in construction are still fragmented. In Indonesia, the integration of the Quality Safety Health and Environment (QSHE) management system has been carried out since 2018, but the implementation of the integrated QSHE system is still questionable.

Methods: The purpose of this research is to produce an operational system that integrates quality, safety, occupational health and environmental management systems to create good quality, safe, useful and sustainable construction products. This research is based on the policies and best practices of the Construction Design and Management Regulation 2015 management system (CDM Regulation 2015). The research methodology uses literature studies, distribution of questionnaires to academics and construction practitioners, the Delphi method and case studies of construction projects in Jakarta and its surroundings.

Results: The result of this research is an operational system that is effective in integrating quality, safety, health and environmental sustainability in construction.

Conclusion: Operational system integration of quality, safety, health, and sustainability environment (QSHE) is a unity of various supporting elements which must be applied consistently in construction projects to achieve the goal of no defects and no accident.

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