国际标准期刊号: 2381-8727



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Isolation of Vibrio cholerae in Homogenized Tissues of Liver, Gall Bladder and Bile in Rabbit Model

Atif AB, Uday YH Abdullah, Aamenah M, Nordin S,

Vibrio cholerae O139 is well known as the causative agent of cholera. It is noninvasive but many reports suggested it to cause bacteremia which brings in a little controversy with the previously reported old literature especially after reported histopathological invasion pattern of Vibrio cholerae O139 and Vibrio cholerae O1 ElTor. The rabbits were processes for ileac loops inoculation of Vibrio cholerae O139 followed by biochemical and molecular analysis of the presence of Vibrio cholerae O139 in liver, gall bladder and bile. We concluded the presence of Vibrio cholerae in liver, bile and gall bladder homogenized tissue. Retrograde spreading of bacteria to the liver via the common bile duct was excluded by complete closure of the intestinal lumen distant to the duct in the intestinal lumen. However, the bacteria might traffic, probably via macrophages, to distant area in the body including the liver. Another study in future is a need to identify the lesions of Vibrio cholerae invasions within liver and gall bladder by immunohistochemistry and using GFP visibility for Vibrio cholerae passage.

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