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Jimson Seed in Bio pesticide Application (Datura Stramonium

Melaku Tafese Awulachew

The purpose of this article was to examine the use of jimson seed (Datura stramonium) as a bio pesticide. The global picture of post-harvest losses of grain and pulse crops is estimated to be 10%, largely owing to insect

pests, which is a major problem in underdeveloped nations. Pesticides are compounds or mixtures of substances used to prevent, eradicate, repel, or mitigate pests, such as unwanted plant or animal species, during the production, storage, transit, distribution, and elaboration of food. Synthetic pesticides have a long-term and aggressive impact on the environment and human health. Every year, synthetic pesticides cause a slew of health problems for humans around the world. Aside from its highly ecologically friendly behaviour, Jimson seed offer a promising biopesticide effect in crop productivity and protection against several pests. Its abundance, ease of application, and lack of health hazards make it a better alternative than synthetic pesticides. The extraction of atropine from Jimson seed took place in four phases. Pre-treatment, extraction, separation, and concentration are the four steps. For the suppression of crop weevil, atropine from Jimson seed can be extracted with water or inorganic acidic extraction.

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