国际标准期刊号: 2157-7625



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Khat and Working Habits in Jimma Town, Ethiopia

Weyinshet Getachew

As an income of the one country and one person the khat production, have play great values both in foreign income and inland revenues. The history of ckhat production in the East Africa have long history and in Ethiopia chewing khat have recorded as history starting from the 15th century and prolonged the habits of the now generation. These habits practiced by more than ten thousands of the people that they talk as their day-to-day activity. Among the anther plantation khat have better resistances from famine and climate change. khat it may produce in the year and for the manufacturer have constant financial gain and Ethiopia is next to coffee production the khat have the great commodity regarding to incomes for the country. The nomenclature of the word khat have various from area to area and `khat` by English, `qat` in Yemen, `mirra` in Kenya, `qaad/jaad` in Somalia, chat in Amharic in, `Jam`a in Jimma Oromo,Ethiopia. The working habit of the region is declined by khat chewing this is the cause for the economic inflation and increase of social crises. More than 83.3%% of the khat chewer is use the afternoon section and the rest of the 8.3 percent it may use the both morning and afternoon section rather the 3.4% use the night time only. However, more than half of their time in number gives for chewing the khat. The khat users by ratio around 30.75%, which observed in Jimma university staff and in Jimma city. Therefore, the study deals about khat and working Habits in Jimma Town, Ethiopia.