国际标准期刊号: 2471-9846



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Learning Programme for Public Health Nursing To Enhance Strength of Community

Febrina Herianto

The reason of this think about is to create a recreation learning program for acing open wellbeing nursing aptitudes to improve quality of community, and to confirm its adequacy. The program is one-day session to ace the aptitudes from three works out. This considers receives a quasi-experimental plan. We chosen fair-minded 34 members in mediation bunch and 30 members in control bunch, and conducted self-administered survey overviews at three focuses in time: pre, post 1 and post 2. Three devices were utilized to degree the specified result. For the result evaluation, we calculated the changes within the cruel esteem of each instrument between pre and post 1 and between pre and post 2, and compared them between the two bunches. The program was found to be successful in overhauling the abilities of less-experienced open wellbeing medical attendants to improve quality of community.

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