国际标准期刊号: 2161-0681



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Leg Ulcers: Associated with Sickle Eye Disease

Olubanke Theodora Ilo, Olufemi Emmanuel Babalola, Kuburat Oliyide, Michael Olufemi Kehinde, Folasade Akinsola

Leg ulcers are a common sign in Sickle Cell Disease. But to what extent are they indicative of Sickle cell eye disease in these patients? This short communication, examines to determine to what extent leg ulcers predict the presence of sickle eye disease.

This was a clinic based, comparative non-interventional study, conducted at both the Hematology Clinic and Eye clinic in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). One hundred consecutive cases of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients (HbSS and HbSC) attending the Haematology Clinic were compared with 100 age and sex matched non- SCD HbAA controls. The presence of leg ulcers was sought in both groups, and all had assessment for ocular anterior and posterior signs of SCD. Cases and controls were comparable in age and sex. Amongst 100 Cases, 85 were HbSS and 15 HbSC. Leg ulcers were present in 18 patients (cases). Eighty-two cases had either anterior or posterior SCD related ocular manifestations. Patients with leg ulcer were found to be at higher risk of developing Conjunctival Sickle Sign, Retinal Venous Tortuosity and Proliferative Sickle Retinopathy with an increased likelihood of 22.9, 7.1 and 5.9 times respectively. We believe this is the first study to quantify this association.

This study suggests that sickle cell eye disease is more likely to develop in sickle cell disease patients with leg ulcers. Internists managing SCD patients are advised to refer patients with leg ulcers for early ocular assessment in order to prevent complications.

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