国际标准期刊号: 2472-5005



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Link immuno therapy in healing mechanism of prolonged medical starvaticon 42 ? 45 days with very small dosage and weak cytotoxic substances

Michali Ponizovsky

Treatment by “Prolonged medical Starvation (during 42-45 days)” causes considerable decrease almost of all depots
of an organism exhausting organism’s fat and hydrocarbonic depots leading to competition between cancer tissue
and an organism for use of remained decreased depot. Protective forces of the organism become stronger due to
support with herbal extracts, delivering vitamins and microelements into organism. Increase of fat metabolism from fat
depot leads to augmentation GPX and PHGPX in all cells of an organism which neutralize redundant superoxide [O*]
and ROS/H2O2/free radicals in G1/S phases cellular cycle of cancer cells cycle suppressing excessive proliferative
processes of cancer cells. It causes elimination irrepressible proliferative processes and cancer cells’ depression.

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