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Lipid Metabolism Homeostasis in Brain Disorders

Naqash Mohammad

Lipid metabolism homeostasis plays a vital role in maintaining the normal functioning of the brain. The brain, being a lipid-rich organ, relies on lipids for various essential processes, including cell membrane structure, energy production, and signaling. Dysr egulation of lipid metabolism has been implicated in the pathogenesis of brain disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases, mood disorders, and cognitive impairment. This abstract provides an overview of the role of lipid metabolism in brain disorders and its implications for disease pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies. It highlights the importance of lipid components in brain health, the disruptions observed in lipid metabolism in neurodegenerative diseases, the association between lipid dysregulation and mood disorders, and the impact of lipid imbalances on cognitive impairment. Moreover, it discusses potential therapeutic approaches targeting lipid metabolism to restore homeostasis and improve outcomes in brain disorders. Understanding the intricate relationship between lipid metabolism and brain disorders may pave the way for the development of innovative therapeutic interventions that target lipid pathways, offering new hope for patients suffering from these debilitating conditions.