国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Literature Review of Different Genes Involved in Colorectal Cancer

Mathangi Shrikanth

Cancer is characterized by pervasive epigenetic alterations with enhancer dysfunction orchestrating the aberrant cancer transcriptional programs and transcriptional dependencies. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading cancers worldwide, accounting for high morbidity and mortality. The global incidence of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer (EO-CRC) is rapidly rising. However, the reason for this rise in incidence as well as the genomic characteristics of EO-CRC remain largely unknown. The mechanisms governing tumor growth and metastasis in CRC require detailed investigation. This work indicates a common layer of YAP/TAZ-fueled enhancer reprogramming that is key for the cancer cell state and can be exploited for the development of improved therapeutic avenues. Interleukin (IL)-11 is a member of the IL-6 family of cytokines and is involved in multiple cellular responses, including tumor development. However, the origin and functions of IL-11-producing (IL-11+ ) cells are not fully understood. To characterize IL-11+ cells in vivo, we generate Il11 reporter mice. IL-11+ cells appear in the colon in murine tumor and acute colitis models. Il11ra1 or Il11 deletion attenuates the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. The aberrant gain of DNA methylation at CpG islands is frequently observed in colorectal tumours and may silence the expression of tumour suppressors such as MLH1. Current models propose that these CpG islands are targeted by de novo DNA methyltransferases in a sequence-specific manner, but this has not been tested. Overall, this review aims at different genes involved in colorectal cancer.

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