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Livestock Production System Dynamics, Trends and Drivers of Change in Highlands Areas of Ethiopia: A Review

Hussen Abduku Worku

This review was developed to describe the dynamics, trends, and drivers continually changing in Ethiopia's highlands' livestock production systems. Ethiopia endowed with the largest livestock population density among Sub-Saharan African country; however the sector's contribution to the GDP of the region as well as nation was lower. The livestock population trend in the country showed that it was increasing. To classify production systems different method were used; technology level, input type used, and integration of crops and livestock were mainly used. Highland mixed crop-livestock, pastoral and agro-pastoral and urban and peri-urban were the types of livestock production systems practiced. In Ethiopian highlands mixed crop and livestock production system is practiced. Crop cultivation and livestock rearing have an interdependent role in this system, with livestock providing draught power and manure for crop cultivation. Natural pasture and crop residue account the largest share from the total annual feed resource. Conservation of crop residue and improved forage cultivation like Desho grass, Elephant grass and tree lucerne was practiced to mitigate feed shortage. Cropland expansion, land degradation, and improper land management practices, such as the cultivation of marginal and fragile areas, are the main forces affecting change in the highlands. Increased population density, the absence of alternative job possibilities, and traditional production practices have all had a significant negative influence on feed availability. Finally, it is important to consider about land allocation, nutrient value improvements for poor quality roughage, improved forage cultivation, soil and water conservation while trying to increase livestock productivity in the highlands.

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