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Long Term of Cattle Manure Amendments and Its Impact on Triticale (X. Triticosecale Wittmack) Production and Soil Quality

Enrique Salazar Sosa, Hector I Trejo Escareno, Jesus Luna Anguiano, Miguel A. Gallegos Robles, Enrique Salazar Melendez, Jose Dimas Lopez Martinez and Orona Castillo Ignacio

Organic amendment is a good alternative to improve soil fertility to maintain or increase crop forage and grain production. After several times of organic applications (crop cycles), it is important to follow soil physical and chemical parameters to avoid soil pollution such as salinity and nitrate. The main objective of this study was to maintain good triticale forage production and soil quality after seven years in plots where two factors were studied: cow manure amendments; 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 t ha-1 and one chemical level with 150-100-00 kg ha-1 of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium, respectively just to compare manure amendments. After this, to decrease soil salinity and high levels of nitrate, triticale forage was planted in the same plots using two varieties without manure and chemical fertilizer application. Triticale variables measured were green forage and ential (Ph) and Nitrates (NO3). Results indicated that triticale forage production was high in all plots were cow manure was applied after three years than the control and chemical fertilizer level, also, the chemical soil parameters such as, salinity and nitrate decrease to adequate levels of: 4 mmhos cm-1 in salinity and less than 20 ppm of nitrates. Triticale forage production was better in all plots with cow manure application with more than 25 mg ha-1, that’s the triticale average production in this region and more than 100% of the control and chemical fertilizer plots. According to these results, cow manure amendments is a good alternative to get high triticale forage production and maintain a good soil quality.

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