国际标准期刊号: 2161-0460



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Long-term Electromagnetic Field Treatment Increases Brain Neuronal Activity: Linkage to Cognitive Benefit and Therapeutic Implications for Alzheimer's Disease

Takashi Mori,Gary W. Arendash*

Although a single exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) appears to increase neuronal activity based on PET/EEG monitoring, the "long-term" effects of daily EMF treatment on neuronal activity have not been evaluated in either humans or animals. In the present study, we report daily EMF treatment over a two-month period to enhance neuronal activity in entorhinal cortex of aged (23 - 28 month old) Alzheimer\'s transgenic mice and littermate normal mice, as indexed by the expression of c-Fos in neurons. Moreover, this enhanced neuronal activity was temporally linked to cognitive benefit in the same animals. In view of the impaired neuronal activity that occurs very early and progressively in Alzheimer\'s Disease, we suggest EMF treatment as a viable approach to counter this neuronal hypo-activity and possibly enhance/stabilize cognitive function.