国际标准期刊号: 2329-6879



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Management of Bullous Pemphigoid with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Pratiksha S. Palsapure, Vaishali Balpande, Aniket Pathade

It’s an uncommon autoimmune disease that affects both men and women, albeit women have a higher prevalence. Present complaints and investigation: For six months, a woman in her 65th year patient has delivered a presentation dermatology department with the major complaint of fluid-filled sores all over her body. She had also been complaining of lesions with mild to severe scratching, irritation, and an occasional burning feeling over lesions for the past 6 months, and she was a recognised case of type 2 diabetes mellitus for which she had been taking medication for the past 6 to 7 years. The main Diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and outcomes after a physical examination and inquiry, the doctor discovered a case of Bullous Phemphoid with a verified case of DM type 2. Inj. Insulin Mixtard 22U/16U, Tab. Defcort 12 Mg 2-1, Tab. Glicazide 80 Mg BD, Tab. Nicoglow 250 Mg OD, Tab. Cyclophosphamide BD (50 Mg -25 Mg), Cap. Doxepin 10 Mg BD, Tab. Dailyshine 60000IU (Once A Week), L/A Omate - F OD Supplements of vitamin B, calcium, iron, and folic acid were provided. All of the treatments were completed, and the outcome was satisfactory. Conclusion she responded to both medicine and physician counseling. Her itching has diminished and some lesions have healed.

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