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Management of Faba Bean Gall Disease (Kormid) in North Shewa Highlands, Ethiopia

Bitew B and Tigabie A

Production of faba bean is inhibited by several yield limiting factors, among which diseases are the main. In Ethiopia more than 17 disease causing pathogens were reported on faba bean. Major diseases recoded in faba bean includes, chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae), ascochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae), zonate leaf spot (Cercospora zonatae), and black root rot (Fusarium sp.). A new disease, faba bean gall locally called “Kormid in North Shewa was expanded in the highland faba bean growing areas. Studies showed that seed dressing and foliar fungicides have some effects against faba bean diseases. Field experiment was conducted in North shewa highlands to control faba bean gall disease at farmers’ field. The experiment was conducted on farmers’ fields in randomized complete block design in six replications. The treatments were arranged with different fungicides (spray and seed dressing), namely Mancozeb, Ridomil, Chlorotalonil, Bayleton wp 25 (Triadimefon 250 g/ kg), Thiram, Apron star and control. Fungicides were applied as manufacturers’ recommendations. Foliar fungicides were applied three times at seedling, flowering and podding growth stage on local faba bean variety. Disease score and other agronomic data were recorded at different plant growth stage. The highest disease score were recorded in control, Thiram and Apron star in 2013. The highest yield was also recorded in Bayleton and mancozeb sprayed plots respectively. In 2014 the disease prevalence and severity was similar to 2013. Maximum disease score were recorded on Control followed by Thiram and Apron star seed dressing plots. Minimum disease score were also recorded in Baylaton (2.66) and Ridomil gold (2.71) sprayed plots. There was a significant difference between biomass yield and grain yield. The highest grain yield was recorded in Baylaton (3129.8 kg) sprayed plot and followed by Ridomil gold (2708.3 kg) and Mancozeb (2705.7 kg) respectively. There was no significant difference between plots in plant height, pod per plant, seed per pot and seed per plant in both years.

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