国际标准期刊号: 2376-127X



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Maximizing Maternal Birth Experience through the Use of a Labor Mirror

Jennifer Doyle, Amy Lyzen, Michele McCarroll, Karen Frantz, Tiffany Kenny and Vivian Gruenigen

The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency with which mirrors are utilized and describe women’s experience with mirrors during birth. This was a descriptive study. An electronic survey was administered in the postpartum unit from June, 2013 to February, 2014. A convenience sample of n=500 was obtained. The survey intended to gauge the frequency of labor mirror use as well as women’s self-reported experience related to mirror use during labor and/or birth. Postpartum women were included in the project who were English literate and between the ages of 18-49. Statistical analysis included examination of the data and performance of descriptive statistics including Student’s T-Test, Chi-square, and Fisher’s Exact test. Women most likely to use the mirror were in the 18-29 years age group, Caucasian, and privately insured. 39% of women who were offered the mirror used it. According to the women who used the mirror during birth, 53% agreed that it helped them focus on pushing and reduced their pushing time during labor. Additionally, women who used the mirror reported that it added to their overall labor experience and was a positive experience (58%). More than half (53%) of women who used the labor mirror agreed that it assisted them during pushing, added to their overall labor experience (58%), and was a positive experience (55.5%). While additional research is needed, nurses may find the labor mirror to be a beneficial tool to increase pushing efficacy and enhance the maternal birth experience.