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Allana Bandeira Carrilho, Patricia Bandeira Carrilho, Guilherme Dienstmann, Matheus Leite Ramos de Souza, Sarah Cristina dos Santos,Luzia Aparecida Venturi, Martina Dognini Antunes, Jaisa Helena Vieira, Polliane Maria Cavalcante-Araújo and Luiz Arthur Calheiros Leite
The Inflammation and cytokines are directly associated to the progress of COVID-19 and its severity, due to the cytokines storm and
immunological pulmonary injury and systemic damage. The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanisms and effectiveness of
the immunotherapy in patients infected with COVID-19. When infected, the patient develops an inflammatory chain that results in a large
quantity of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the cytokines storm, leading to the fast progress of the disease. The hyperinflammation status and
inflammatory biomarkers are essential tools to this disease prognostic. Therefore, the immune suppression and anti-inflammatory drugs
are eligible medicaments for the therapy of cytokines storm. In this way, the immunomodulators with blockage of interleukin 6 appears as
possible medicaments to inhibit in a specific way the hyperinflammation status.