国际标准期刊号: 2573-4555



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Mode of Action of Nasya Karma and Basti Chikitsa in Hair Fall: A Review Article

Dr Nadeem Parvez*, Dr Shweta Mishra

There is a famous quote “A thing of beauty is joy Forever”. Healthy, Beautiful, long, lustrous and attractive hairs always add charm to the personality. That is why, to keep the hairs in healthy state is entirely the duty of human beings, because just like face, Hair is also a mirror of healthy state of the body. Hair Fall is a silent but terrifying problem which may occur to a healthy person also. It is as a geriatric physiological phenomenon, which occurs generally after the mid-forties, but it is considered as a disease if it occurs before this period. In Ayurveda, it is believed that Kesha (Hair) are Mala (byproduct) of Asthi Dhatu (Bone). Hair fall is described by name Khalitya Roga under the chapter of Kshudra Roga (minor diseases) in Sushrutu Samhita and under Shiroroga (Disease of Head) by Vagbhatta. There are scattered reference in Ayurveda about Etiological Factors of Khalitya and different Panchakarma procedures which can prevent Hair Fall. Nasa (Nose) is considered as the Gateway of Shirah Pradesh (Head Region) and Nasya Karma is mentioned as choice of management of Urdhwajatrugata Vyadhi including Hair fall. Basti Chikitsa is referred as Ardhachikitsa (Half of the treatment of all disease). Basti Karma can directly improve production of Asthi Dhatu and its Mala – Kesha as Pureeshadharakala and Asthidharakala are interrelated by Ashryaashrayi relation. It can be helpful in nourishing hair follicles and prevent hair fall. In present article, we have reviewed the mode of action of Nasya Karma and Basti Chikitsa that how they could help in preventing hair fall and nourishing hair follicles.

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