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Morphological Characterization and Evaluation of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Accessions Collected from Northern Highlands of Ethiopia

Gizachew Atinafu, Fasil Tadesse Tewlolede, Yenenesh Asfaw, Getachew Tabor, Fekadu Gebertensaye Mengistu, Deseta Fekadu

Seventy five germplasm collections of garlic (Allium sativum L.), three standard checks and three promising genotypes were evaluated for six quantitative characters using simple lattice square design at Chefe Donsa and Debre Zeit, Central part of Ethiopia. The main objective of the study was to asses and select better genotypes with high yield, quality and pest tolerant to next steps. Analysis of variance showed significant difference among the tested accessions for most of the quantitative traits considered in the study except weight of clove. The better performed accessions than best check were GOG-018/18 and GOG-067/18 found to be superior bulb yield followed by GOG-073/18, GOG-069/18, GOG-058/18, GOG-057/18, GOG-072/18, GOG-074/18, GOG-075/18, GOG-061/18, GOG-064/18, GOG-059/18, GOG-047/18, GOG-056/18, GOG-055/18, GOG-001/18, GOG-063/18, GOG-045/18, GOG-049/18, GOG-068/18, GOG-011/18, GOG-051/18, GOG-070/18, GOG-025/18 and GOG-046/18. So, these accessions will be promoted to the next breeding step. Cluster- IV and V were constituted by the most important garlic accessions that are characterized by the best bulb yield than the other clusters. All morphological characters were positively and significantly correlated with bulb yield.

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