国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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Multilobular Tumour of Bone and Classification

Dr. Rizvid Khan

A seven-year-old neutered female golden retriever was presented for an acute onset of cervical pain and ataxia. Intervertebral disc disease or neoplasia was suspected. There was no evidence of a soft tissue or bony mass on physical examination or survey radiographs. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not show any evidence of a neoplastic process. Myelography evaluation identified an extradural mass lesion extending from inside the calvarium to the mid-body of the first cervical vertebra. No additional diagnostic tests were performed as the owners elected for euthanasia because of the high possibility of a neoplastic process with an accompanying poor prognosis. Multilobular tumour of bone was diagnosed on postmortem examination.

General physical examination was within normal limits. Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is a primary bone neoplasm, uncommon in dogs. This tumor was called of many names for a long time, as: chondroma rodens, multilobular osteochondrosarcoma, multilobular osteoma, multilobular chondroma, calcificating aponeurotic fibroma, although MTB was preferred chosen, because these other name could be correlated with humans' tumors. Neurological examination revealed obtundation, bilaterally absent menace responses, and cervical hyperesthesia. A multifocal neuroanatomical localization with forebrain and cervical spinal cord involvement was considered most likely. Results of a complete blood count and a biochemistry profile were within normal limits.

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