国际标准期刊号: 2161-0460



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Music as a Viable Therapeutic Treatment Option for Alzheimer?s Disease

Parth Chotaliya

As the fifth leading cause of death in age group >65 years, Alzheimer's has taken the livelihood of millions of people, and this number keeps going up. Currently, the scientific community has turned to medication based treatment in order to decrease the presence of the negative symptoms that Alzheimer's entails. However, one might say these efforts are at no avail, as the number of cases is on a track of exponential growth. People with the disease face a plethora of mental health disorders, and the caregivers and the loved ones of these people are living in suffering. Instead of trying to tackle the disease head-on, health care professionals and caregivers are exploring the efficacy of non-pharmacologic treatments, such as music-based intervention programs. This article seeks to explore findings in the field, analyze them and propose methods of implementation.

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