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National Graduate Nursing Survey: Chronic Disease, Symptoms and Self- Management

Kim K Kuebler

The purpose for this project is to compare graduate nursing students’ self-perceived knowledge with actual knowledge of chronic disease, symptom and self- management through a psychometrically reliable and valid 45-item objective examination. Methodology included three-separate email communications to over 800 US based graduate nursing school or program chairs, deans or directors encouraging their student participation. Two-hundred and fifty respondents provided demographic information from the survey and 120 graduate nurses completed the selfknowledge survey and objective knowledge examination. Graduate nurses in their last year of academic preparation were targeted in both Masters and Doctoral level course work. The results showed an overall mean score of less than 70% from the objective examination and there was not statistically significance between self-rated knowledge with actual knowledge.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。