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Oil sardine landings and Revenue realization under a climate change regime in India

Shyam S Salim, Monolisha S, Remya R, Athira N. R

The present study probes to assess the distributional shifts in sardine landings across the states and its impact on the revenue realisation across the country. The secondary data related to the landings across the states were obtained from the National Marine Living Resources Data Centre (NMLRDC) of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi for the period 1985-2017 and the primary data on the landing centre prices were obtained from Socio-Economic Evaluation Technology and Transfer Division (SEETTD) of CMFRI. Average landings showed a sturdy decrease after 2013 elucidating the price surges and regional shifts in distribution of oil sardines off the Indian coast. The prices showed an amplified growth rate in the Northwest coast of India stating the increased demand for sardines in the region during the recent decades. The surge in mean prices and mean landing quantity between the decades was computed using the Decomposition Model. An analysis of the landing centre prices of oil sardine along India showed the highest change in mean price which means that there is a higher price effect when compared to the quantity effect. The availability of sardine in non- traditional demand areas is due to shifts in habitat distribution (towards the latitudinal stretch) and the demand for import of sardines to the domestic markets and fishmeal industries. The study advocates the need for establishing affordable prices (minimum support and maximum ceiling prices) for sardines to provide sustenance to the fishers and fish food security to the consumers in the demand-rich regions.

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